Tuesday, January 26, 2010

What Does Perrier Do To Hookah Does Candy Bars And Perrier Make A Good Dinner?

Does candy bars and Perrier make a good dinner? - what does perrier do to hookah

Someone I love very much, he ate one days pay for a bag of M & M's and Perrier for dinner. I was very excited. What do you think?


Eva D said...

an excellent choice, Sir / Maam

Mummabea... said...

Sounds delicious !!!!!!

Maria said...

If your friend wants to get sick, it is their own business. Is this an adult or a child or adolescent?

bad girl said...

Sounds like a tasty meal from time to time for me.

Try not to become a member of the policy of "food" that nobody likes.

starrwoo... said...

Worry about yourself and let others do what they want is that this is a terrible food.

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