Monday, February 1, 2010

Beautiful Agony Torrent Videos Beautiful Voice In Hell?

Beautiful voice in hell? - beautiful agony torrent videos

I am sure that many people believe that Freddy Mercury of Queen is in hell (do wrong), and we all know what a great voice he had, so I think his cries of pain are also beautiful?


Lauren Of Olympia said...


Master ß said...

He had a great voice and range.

It is an irony that "We are the Champions" is often popular with football for many religious actors and the fans who are vehemently against homosexuals.

C Y said...

Screams Agnoy can be beautiful, but a psychopath?

][Lµm¡nA said...

... uhh ... no ...

The screams of agony and pain are not like the screaming you see on TV

Never saw a house burning, hear the screams of people trapped in the fire? It is repugnant to the bone. Looks like one of those never forget, while you are alive. The noise is so wild and abusive does not like everything you hear or are looking to hear.

sooooo .... I do not expect there to sing some of his success ....
let alone recognize it for its voice to ...
... if you know what I mean .....

7thangel... said...

No, I think it has all the gods of the music of Freddy, who has done more good than harm. Religion, race, sexual orientation? Are they good or bad, that is the question!

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