Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Watch Fishstick My Ryukin Goldfish Is Always Acting Dead Untill I Come Up To Feed Him....?

My ryukin goldfish is always acting dead untill I come up to feed him....? - watch fishstick

I have 2 baby Ryukin goldfish in a tank of 10 liters. They are about a half inches long, including the fins. In addition to very well together. As a rule, follow each other around the tank and cool to see them on the side of the tank and everything, but now it's only swimmer, I am not afraid of death because I still think he's dead. But once you reach the reservoir, the float lazily, and then just float on top or on the container in the corner. I eat the right amount of food, and they love their food. In fact, floating fish feeds worries me now so fast that an air bubble stuck in his throat and he really die.i almost guaranteed 14 days in these fish, and I still 6 days left to return petsmart and replace, if you wish. I also thought that if I replace them fish sticks-see name of my "death" of fish that can be a different fish and whether it helps you excited or something.pls


Woofie! said...

Try not to eat for 24 hours. That they did not hurt. Sometimes the bladder is excess air will have to ensure that the fleet fish, looking for corpses. When symptoms persist after this period to take back.

iminlove said...

Oh yeah lol Needa a tremendous pain to see the vets think about the return to fight as if it was uu sick and you get a sickly and Lil u back from ur family happy is sad

danielle Z said...

Two things can be a problem with your Goldie is essentially a deposit on a bike? ...
BIZ Goldie is "floating" could be from swelling (excess salt in the water for your system to suffer), and then change simply omitted the water and salts

Swim bladder problems. Give your goldies green vegetables such as lettuce, spinach, peas, or once a week to help keep them healthy. a pleasure to take a piece of orange.

When you think of another fish, try a coppr Moore, perhaps.

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